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Management Theory of Frederick Herzberg

Jeanne Dininni

Herzberg's management theory provides the tools to both satisfy and motivate employees

Frederick Herzberg contributed a great deal to the Human Relations School of Management through his insights into the areas of employee satisfaction and motivation.

Herzberg's motivation theory, also known as the Two-Factor Theory, covers what he called the "Hygiene Factor" and the "Motivation Factor." According to Herzberg theory, hygiene factors are the extrinsic conditions, or environmental factors, that determine the satisfaction or dissatisfaction level of employees. Herzberg's theory states that, while negative hygiene factors (such as low pay, poor working conditions or lack of job security) cause job dissatisfaction, positive hygiene factors (such as status, good ergonomics and worker-friendly policies) simply satisfy basic employee needs, causing "movement," in the sense of work flow, but exerting no effect whatsoever on motivation.


In Herzberg theory, motivation factors are the positive, either extrinsic or intrinsic, influences that cause an employee to want to do a better job. Extrinsic motivating factors (such as recognition, advancement and increasing levels of responsibility) and intrinsic motivating factors (such as achievement, growth and interest) are, according to Herzberg theory, equally motivating. Some ways that Herzberg suggested arranging work for greater employee motivation are the following:

1. Job enlargement;

2. Job rotation; and/or

3. Job enrichment.


Acquire some background information on Herzberg management theory

Numerous websites provide valuable information about Herzberg theory. In addition to diagrams and summaries of Herzberg motivation principles, you'll find various videos and instructional materials that can help you develop the background knowledge and practical expertise to put Herzberg theories to work for your company.

Hire a consultant who will incorporate Herzberg theory into the approach used

Consultants with knowledge and experience in the management theory of Frederick Herzberg can guide you in maximizing the benefit of his principles in your own company's unique environment.

Locate tools and resources that will help you make the most of Herzberg's theories

Widely available online tools and resources can help you more easily implement Herzberg's management theory principles.

  • Consider the many benefits of putting Herzberg motivation theory to work for your business. If you decide to use it, why not go all out and practice it in all the areas it can effectively address: your own leadership of the company, your managers' development and your employees' engagement.
Image Credit: UfaBizPhoto/Shutterstock
Jeanne Dininni